How To Build A Quiz Funnel

Author: Mike Ruman
Why settle for a one-time conversion when you could turn every website visitor into a lifelong customer?

With a quiz funnel, you can do just that. By using quizzes to collect information about your leads, you can segment them into different audiences and customize your marketing approach accordingly.

Not only will this lead to more conversions, but it’ll also create a lasting relationship between you and your customers. Here’s how to build a quiz funnel that will turn your visitors into loyal fans.

Determine the Goal of The Quiz

We want a clear goal and call to action with our quiz.

Are you looking to:

  • Sell a product
  • Collect leads
  • Educate an existing audience
  • Download a lead magnet

Knowing why you are creating a quiz is the first step.

Define Your Audience And What You Want to Achieve With Your Quiz Funnel

When it comes to designing an effective quiz funnel, defining your target audience is essential for success.

No matter the content focus of your quiz, knowing who you’re targeting helps guide everything from the topics expedited to the language used. Many successful creators take it a step further, narrowing it down so that their quiz speaks directly to the reader’s needs and interests.

Understanding what you want to achieve with your quiz funnel will help define its structure and keep it moving toward its desired outcome. This could be anything from generating leads to upselling a product or service—ultimately, having an end goal in mind is key!

Create Buckets For Where You Want Users To End Up

Stephen Covey says to ‘begin with the end in mind.’ We also want to do that with your quiz.

Come up with 3-5 buckets your quiz takers will end up in.

These buckets will help us know what to sell the user. You can end your quiz with a product recommendation.

Here’s an example from and their Are You A Healthy Dad? Get Your Score quiz:

Sherpa (85 – 100): You’ve been to the top, you’ve seen the views, you’ve felt the thrill, and now you want to help others get there. You also see another mountain in the distance, a bigger mountain. You haven’t climbed that one … yet.

Climber (70 – 85): You’ve climbed up the mountain and stopped at the false peak. You’ve gotten so close but haven’t summited the mountain … yet.

Hiker (55 – 70): You walk around the mountain for a short hike; you’ve seen the summit but haven’t tried to go up … yet.

Basecamp (<55): You are at the base of the mountain. You’ve seen people go up and come down. You’d like to try to go up but haven’t started climbing … yet.

We want to guide the quiz taker on a journey and have a clear map of how we can help them.

Create a Quiz That is Fun and Engaging For Your Audience

Creating a fun and engaging quiz for your audience can be a great way to encourage learning and interaction within your group.

With the help of an online quiz maker, you can easily design questions that target your specific topic, making it interesting.

It’s important to make the quiz easy to take for the user. Using multiple choice questions is a great way to get someone to take the quiz and complete it.

You can also include fun graphics, animations, or music to add pizzazz and create an enjoyable atmosphere for participants.

Using basic elements such as multiple choice and true/false questions and a scoring system keeps users engaged throughout the process.

Creating a quiz provides numerous benefits for both the creators and its participants; fosters connectedness, assesses the knowledge, encourages further engagement on the topic at hand, and acts as an interactive tool that allows people to focus their energy in productive ways.

Marketing Your Quiz Funnel

There are a varitey for ways to promote your quize funnel.

Blog Post – Use a blog post to educate your users about your quiz topic and then send them to your quiz funnel landing pages.

Social Media – Post your quiz funnel on social media. Use your quick hook to draw people in.

Email Sequence – Promote your quiz funnel to your current email list. Let people know what’s in it for them when they take the quiz.

The more targeted your marketing campaign is the better your conversion rate will be.

Use an Email Marketing Tool to Collect Leads From Your Quiz Takers

Email marketing tools make reaching potential customers who have shown interest in your product or service easy.

Using an email marketing tool to capture quiz-takers leads, you can quickly build a database of interested visitors and start engaging them with targeted messages.

We recommend a 3-5 email drip for your audience that automatically triggers once they take the quiz. You’ll walk them through the quiz results and then make them an offer. After they are through your email drips we’ll add them to your long-term nurture email list.

With the right strategy, this powerful lead generation technique can be used to convert visitors into subscribers and customers, so you can more effectively grow your business in the long term.

Plus, it’s an affordable way to connect with many people at once – after all, cost-efficiency is key!

Follow Up With Your Leads After They Take The Quiz

A quiz is an excellent way to capture leads and learn more about potential customers.

However, following up with those leads afterward is the key to ultimately converting them into paying customers.

Making sure your follow-up strategies are in place after a quiz has been completed by prospects is essential for nurturing leads, engaging potential customers, and then turning them into paying customers.

Tailor your follow-up contact to the individual customer needs and goals, be consistent in your outreach, and look for ways to add even more value beyond the initial interaction from the quiz; this will help ensure that you can take what you learned from prospects through the quiz and use it to strengthen your customer relationships.

Analyze Your Results to See How Well Your Quiz Funnel Performed

If you have recently implemented a quiz funnel to help better understand your customers’ interests, now is the time to analyze your results.

Making sense of the data accumulated from a successful funnel can be a great tool for building more powerful and accurate marketing campaigns.

To ensure you understand key trends in customer behavior, look deeper into variables such as purchase history, followed by using that information to develop better-targeted ads and offers.

Measuring your quiz funnel performance allows you to quickly capitalize on favorable customer insights and strategies that will improve future customer interactions.

By following these simple steps, you can create a quiz funnel that is fun and informative for your audience while generating leads for your business.

By using an email marketing tool to collect contact information from quiz takers, you can follow up with them after they complete the quiz and continue building relationships with potential customers.

Finally, be sure to analyze your results so that you can see how well your quiz funnel performed and make necessary improvements for future quizzes.

<a href="" target="_self">Mike Ruman</a>

Mike Ruman

Mike Ruman like to starts businesses, including this one, He builds tools to solve his own problems, then modifies them to help others solve their problems. When not solving problems online you can find him hiking in the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains.