How To Build A Review Funnel

Author: Mike Ruman
Getting customers to leave reviews can be tough, but it’s worth it.

Reviews build social proof and help new customers trust your business. The key is to make it easy for customers to leave reviews, and that’s where a review funnel comes in.

A review funnel is like a sales funnel but more of a series of steps you take to encourage customers to leave reviews.

If you want to build trust with new customers and increase your visibility online, then one of the best things you can do is create a strong review funnel.

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to build a review funnel that will get more customers to write reviews for your business.

Define And Identify Your Best Customers

We want reviews from all of our customers, but it’s good to start with our best customers.

With those customers, we want to identify them, personally reach out to them, and ask for a review.

We don’t need every customer to leave a review, but we want our best customers to leave reviews.

Make a list of your top 100 customers and target your review funnel to reach them.

Create A Landing Page

We like to push customers to a specific landing page where the only product or service on that page is to leave a review.

You can see an example here:

When you ask people to create a review, you allow for positive and negative reviews. What we want is an honest review from that customer.

So, on your landing page, you should have either a form or a button that asks the user to leave a review and allow them to do so right there on the page.

Create A Review Request Email

Once you get people onto your landing page, you can use an email follow-up campaign to encourage customers who haven’t left a review yet to do so.

Wait a period of time after their last purchase before sending the email. This way, it avoids appearing too aggressive and makes it seem like they simply forgot instead of being overlooked.

Setting Up Tech For Review Generation

There are many products and services that can help you generate reviews.

We like to build our online reviews funnel using a very simple tool,

With our review funnels, we try and get people to take a small action (thumbs up or thumbs down) and then ask for a harder action (to leave a review)

You need to ensure that you are using your best customer service to get people to leave reviews, or it will reflect poorly on your business.

If customers have an unpleasant experience, make sure you take steps to correct the issue and prevent future occurrences. Otherwise, negative reviews can impact your reputation and bottom line.

Consider offering incentives for leaving reviews, such as discounts or free shipping on purchases made through links in the review. This can encourage more customers to leave honest feedback and helps get your business more reviews.

Ask For a Review Request

One of the reasons businesses don’t have a lot of reviews is that they don’t ask for a review.

They rely on word of mouth or social media to get reviews. That is not effective marketing.

People will do what you ask of them, so ask for a review!

Review Request Script

We use a very simple script when asking for a review. What we ideally want is:

To make it really easy to leave us a reviews
For customers to use keywords in their review

Here is the script we use:

It was an honor to work with you. Testimonials are important for our business. Kindly leave us a review at the following link. Please be as descriptive as possible in how we helped you.

Tools To Use In Your Review Funnel

We like pushing customers to a QR code directly linked to our review funnel. There are a variety of services to create your codes.

A Review Funnel Will Increase Your Reviews and Grow Your Business

As you can see, it takes planning and effort to build a review funnel that will generate reviews for your business. But the benefits of doing so will help grow your business.

By making it easy for customers to leave reviews, they are more likely to do so. And by encouraging them to use keywords in their reviews, you’ll be able to get the most detailed feedback possible about what went well and what could have gone better with your product or service.

If you want more online reviews for your business, don’t wait any longer! Start building a review funnel today!

We hope this helps you learn how to build a review funnel for your business. Please let us know if you have any questions.

<a href="" target="_self">Mike Ruman</a>

Mike Ruman

Mike Ruman like to starts businesses, including this one, He builds tools to solve his own problems, then modifies them to help others solve their problems. When not solving problems online you can find him hiking in the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains.